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Myth Child is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Updates once a week or something...
Alright, I'm trying to give this site something of a layout. I'm having problems. Anyone now why my title picture won't load? *sigh* On a different note, I now have a TWC account, basically just so I can see if anyone actually reads this thing. Vote if you do. *** Yay!! A new update! And I got all the disappeared comics to reapper. I did have to redraw one. (The intro of Euterpe). Hopefully, I will update again soon, but during November I'll be doing nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) so I may not have time. *** Okay, sorry for the late update, and crappy artwork, but I kept trying to get the mother's face right and it just never came out. So here tis, and instead of updating tomorrow, I'll probably update Saturday. Soo sorry. *** I've finally gotten it done! Yaaaay! *cheers* 'Course, now I'll have to draw the next one... I'll... try. ^^;; Anyway. Thalia is the Muse of Comedy, if you haven't already figured that out. She's also the ninth muse, so now just the three joint blessings, probably up on Sunday, and then I can move ahead with the plot. Now don't that feel better? *sighs of contentment*
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